Better Roads Save Homeowners Associations Money

Choose the right treatment, for the right road, at the right time.

Selecting the right pavement preservation strategy can save Homeowners Associations thousands of dollars. The free resources provided here are designed to help Board Members and Community Managers learn to make informed decisions about one of their community’s largest assets.


Find The Best Treatment For Your Community

Not sure where to start? Use this interactive tool to help you learn which presrvation treatment suits your needs.

View The Cost Calculator

Compare the different treatment costs to develop a cost saving strategy for your community.

Explore The Treatment Types

Want to learn more about the different types of pavement preservation treatments and their uses? Explore the surface treatment knowledge center.

What is Pavement Preservation and How Does It Save HOAs Money?

How can extending the life of your streets help your community’s budget in the long run?

The Lifecycle Costs of Asphalt

Ashpalt is ubiquitous, but largely misunderstoof. Most people believe it can be ignored until it starts to show signs of aging. This isn’t true. Most of the effects of asphalt oxidation occur within the first 2-4 years of the asphalt’s life.

How This HOA Saved $8 Million Dollars

A well thought out strategy with proper timing made all the difference.

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